Kayal Patel

Kayal graduated from the University of Nottingham in July 2020 and began working in a first opinion practice in north west Manchester before joining the Rotating Intern team at Willows in January 2023. During his time at university and in practice, he has developed a keen interest in ophthalmology and is looking forward to furthering…

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Marisa Perez Orrico

I graduated from UCH-CEU in Valencia (Spain) in 2005, where I discovered my passion for ophthalmology. I worked in general practice and I obtained the C.E.S. in Veterinary Ophthalmology from the ENVT (France) in 2008. Since then, I have worked mainly in referral ophthalmology centres in Spain and UK. Over the years, I have done…

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Alberto Palella Gomez

Alberto graduated from the University of Madrid in 2013, where he developed a passion for Veterinary Ophthalmology. During his final years as a student, he was awarded a two-year scholarship at the Ophthalmology department of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. After graduating, Alberto worked for a few months in general practice and then moved to the…

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Samuela Mazzucchelli

Following graduation from the University of Milan, in 2004, Samuela moved to France to complete externships at the University of Maisons Alfort and the Fregis Veterinary Hospital. It was during this time that she developed a strong interest in Veterinary Ophthalmology and completed the Diplome d’Ecole d’Ophthalmologie Veterinaire at the University of Maisons Alfort. Samuela…

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Rodrigo Pinheiro de Lacerda

Rodrigo graduated from the University of Lisbon (Portugal) in 2006 and spent the following 6 months working in a small animal hospital in Lisbon. In 2007 he undertook a Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Internship at the Animal Health Trust (Newmarket), where he developed a strong interest in Ophthalmology, and actually visited Willows’ Ophthalmology Department…

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