Environmental Sustainability at Willows
At Willows we are extremely proud to have achieved a Green accreditation from Investors in the Environment (iiE) as part of our commitment to improving our environmental sustainability.
Led by our Green Giants environmental group and supported by all Willows Associates our team are dedicated to achieving the highest possible levels of environmental sustainability through the delivery of best-in-class patient care and treatment.
Willows recognises that all businesses impact the environment in many different ways. As such, Willows is committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance to reduce our carbon footprint and ensure a positive impact on the environment.
Willows is committed to achieving long-term environmental benefits, across the whole organisation to reduce our carbon footprint and become leaders in the field of environmental sustainability. We are also focused on reducing incidences that result in liability, conserve raw materials and energy, monitor our impact and demonstrate results.
To view our Environmental Policy click here.
Sustainability at Willows
Over the last 18-months our Green Giants have spearheaded several environmental initiatives across the business including:
- Investment in a state-of-the-art oxygen generator system
- Switching energy supplier to a 100% renewal provider
- Converting all lighting to LED energy-saving lights
- Creating new waste streams and reducing single-use items
- Providing all clinical associates with washable surgical hats
- Reducing business travel by encouraging online CPD events and meetings.
The commitments made by our team have seen significant results:
- Eliminating 150 HGV deliveries of bottled oxygen per year
- An 8% reduction in energy usage
- A 7% decrease in fuel consumption
- 12% increase in recycling (14 tonnes of recycling per year!)
- Saving 4000 surgical hats from going to landfill.
A Sustainable Future
This is just the beginning for Willows, we are committed in our drive to make significant environmental savings, by looking towards technology such as solar panels, electric vehicles and electric car charging points, all of which will support in taking us to the next level and reduce our carbon footprint even more.
Ensuring we have an environmentally sustainable hospital is extremely important to our whole team, and we are extremely proud of our what our Green Giants have achieved so far.
Meet Our Green Giants
Will Robinson
Head of Soft Tissue Surgery
European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
Nic Davis
BSc (Hons) RVN
Head of Operations
Vicky Maund
BSc (Hons) CVN, DipAVN (SA), Dip HE CVN, VTS (SAIM), CertVNECC, RVN.
Head of Nursing Services
David Hindley
Facilities Manager
Samantha MacDonald
BA (Hons)
Marketing Manager
Rebecca Jordan
Surgical Team Leader
Charlotte Robinson
Pharmacy Team Leader
Mike Talbot
Facilities Assistant
Pete Jackson
Maintenance Operative