Siddharth Sudunagunta
BVetMed CertAVP(VC) AHEA DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology)
Diplomate of the European College of Small Animal Cardiology
RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology
Head of Cardiology
Sid graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2011 and spent a few years working in general practice before pursuing Cardiology. Sid joined The University of Liverpool in 2016, first as a cardiology intern, then a resident, completing his residency in 2020. During this time, he completed the Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice in Cardiology. In March 2021, he passed his European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine certifying examinations in Cardiology to achieve Diplomate status.
Sid is particularly interested in minimally-invasive interventional radiology procedures for managing and treating congenital and acquired cardiac diseases. He is also interested in teaching, and in April 2020, he successfully submitted a portfolio to achieve the Associate of the Higher Education Authority qualification. Sid’s research interests include canine pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart disease.

Dr Sophie Goodrich
Cardiology Resident
Sophie graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2020, and spent a year working in general practice in London. Having developed an interest in Cardiology at university and in practice, she then moved to North Downs Specialist Referrals in Surrey to complete a rotating internship, followed by a Cardiology internship.
Sophie joined Willows in 2023 to start a residency in Cardiology. She is particularly interested in Congenital Cardiac Disease and interventional treatments.
In her spare time, Sophie enjoys sailing and spending time with her rescue cat.