
Chiara Penzo
Diplomate of the European College of Small Animal Oncology
RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Oncology
Peer Reviewed Papers
C Dedola, L Ordeix, C Penzo. (2014) Indagine su aspetti clinici e terapeutici del 4 linfoma cutaneo epiteliotropo nel cane. [English: survey on clinical and therapeutical aspects of Canine Epitheliotrophic Lymphoma] Veterinaria n 4 Agosto 2014
Petterino C, Penzo C, A Ide. (2014) Primary haemangiosarcoma of the tibia in a dog: 4 clinical and pathological findings. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 23(1): 241-244.
Lanevschi-Pietersma, S. Boroffka, Y. Martinez-Pereira, C Penzo, R. Pizzi, H. Rudorf, C. Tartarelli. (2011) Telemedicine: a time management and learning tool for vets and service clinics and what it can offer to pet owners. The European Journal of Companion Animal Practice 21(1): 1-4.
Penzo C, Ross M, Muirhead R, Else R, Argyle DJ. (2009) Effect of recombinant feline interferon-ω alone and in combination with chemotherapy agents on putative tumour initiating cells and daughter cells derived from canine and feline mammary tumours. Veterinary and Comparative OncologyDec;7(4):222-9.
Schmiedt CW, Penzo C, Schwab MC, Dubielzig R, McAnulty JF. (2006) Use of capecitabine to prevent acute renal allograft rejection in DEA-matched dogs. Veterinary Surgery, 35(2): 113-124.
Continuing Education Articles
Penzo C. Conjunctival swelling and intermittent vomiting in a dog. VetCPD Journal n.1 December 2014 pg 39-41
Penzo C. Chronic ad weight loss in a cat. VetCPD Journal n.1 April 2014 pg 19-22
Penzo C. Gastric alimentary lymphoma in a cat. La Settimana Veterinaria 05/03/2014 n864[In Italian]
Penzo C. Lymphadenopathy in a dog. La Settimana Veterinaria 25/09/2013 n844 [In Italian]
Penzo C. Health and Safety on the Handling and Use of Cytotoxic Drugs in Small Animal Practice. AIVPA Journal 4/2013. [In Italian]
Penzo C, Stefanelli D. Clinical approach to the oncology patient and principles of anticancer therapy. AIVPA Journal 1/2013. [In Italian]
Penzo C, Lanevschi-Pietersma S. Teleoncology as a practice tool to extend access to quality cancer care. In Practice 2012, 34:608-612
Penzo C. Caring for animals with cancer. Vet Record Careers, May 2012.
Penzo C. Canine cutaneous mast cell tumours FAQs. Consulta de Difusion Veterinaria. 2012.
Book Chapters
C Penzo, EP Spugnini. May 2014 Chemioterapia. PLUS Chapter: Principi attivi [English: Active principles] – Pharmacology information of individual chemotherapy drugs. In: Prontuario Terapeutico Veterinario. 6^ Edition 2014. Edizioni Veterinarie, Cremona (Italy). (Title in English: Chemotherapy. In: Veterinary Formulary)
Abstracts/Posters/Oral Presentations
Petterino C, Penzo C, Ide A. (2013). Clinical pathological findings of primary hemangiosarcoma of the tibia in a dog. 15th ESVCP- ECVCP Congress 6-6 November 2013, Berlin, Germany.
Rütgen BC, Henriques J, Brun-Hansen H, Castagnaro M, Comazzi S, Fernandes A, Gentilini F, Grabarevic Z, Guscetti F, Hammer SE, Hirschberger J, Ibisch C, Lanore D, Mortarino M, Nolte I, Pascotto E, Penzo C, Ponce F, Riondato F, Tomè P, Turba ME, Vajdovich P. (2011). The European canine lymphoma network – an invitation for joining. Poster presented at ESVONC Meeting 2011, Glasgow (UK).
Pang LY, Penzo C, Blacking TM, Argyle DJ. (2010). Resistance to radiation and chemotherapy of cancer stem cells derived from feline breast cancer. ESVONC Meeting. Torino, Italy. March 2010.
Penzo C, Muirhead R, Ross M, Else R, Argyle DJ. (2009). In vitro synergistic antiproliferative effect of Recombinant Feline Interferon-ω with chemotherapy agents on canine and feline mammary tumours.ESVONC Meeting. Budapest, Hungary. March 2009.
Penzo C, Blacking TM, Ross M, Muirhead R, Else R, Argyle DJ. (2008). Effect of recombinant feline interferon-ω on cancer stem cells isolated from canine and feline mammary tumours. ECVIM Meeting, Gent, Belgium. September 2008.
Penzo C, Else R, Muirhead R, Ross M, Argyle DJ. (2008). Identification and analysis of cancer stem cells from canine and feline mammary tumours. ESVONC-VCS Meeting, Copenhagen, Danmark. February 2008.
Penzo C, Busetto R, McKeegan DE. (2007). Attitudes toward small animal kidney transplantation among students of an Italian and a British veterinary school. ECVIM Meeting, Budapest, Hungary. September 2007.
Schmiedt CW, Penzo C, Schwab MC, Dubielzig R, McAnulty JF. (2005) Use of capecitabine to prevent acute renal allograft rejection in DEA-matched dogs. Acts of the 2005 ACVS Veterinary Symposium. October 2005. San Diego (CA). Veterinary Surgery 2005. 34(4): E22
Penzo C, McAnulty JF, Busetto R. (2005) Small animal Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Problems. Acts of the XII National Congress by S.I.C.V. (Italian Society of Veterinary Surgery). Pisa (Italy). June 2005. (In Italian; abstract in English)
Iacopetti I, De Benedictis GM, Penzo C, Baldan N, Dedja A, Seveso M, Cozzi E, Ancona E, Busetto R. (2003). Kidney xenotransplantation from hDAF transgenic pig to Macaca Fascicularis: analysis of the efficacy of two immunosuppressive protocols. Acts of the X National Congress by SICV. (Italian Society of Veterinary Surgery). Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna-Italy) June 2003. (In Italian; abstract in English)

Claire Williams
Oncology Clinician
Fournier Q, Serra JC, Williams C and Bavcar S (2020) Chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea in dogs and its management with smectite: results of a monocentric open-label randomized clinical trial. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology