
Hearing Loss


Why should I bring my pet to Willows for a hearing test?

A hearing test is recommended when there is a suspicion of hearing loss in a pet or as part of the screening of breeds at risk for congenital deafness.

At Willows our nurse-led clinic which is overseen by our Specialist-led Neurology team and offer the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) hearing test.

If an assessment for hearing is indicated alongside a Neurology consultation, this can be arranged so the hearing test is carried out at the same visit as any other investigations.


What is a hearing test?

The BAER hearing test is performed conscious, applying headphones over the ears and recording the signal of the sound as it goes from the ear to the brain. The duration of the test is approximately 30 minutes. In some rare cases a light sedation may need to be administered if the equipment to perform the test is not tolerated.


What are the most common causes of hearing loss?

There are over 90 breeds of dog that have been identified as having congenital deafness (deafness at or shortly after birth). These include Dalmatians, Bull Terriers, Border Collies, English Setters, Australian Cattle dogs, Parson Russell Terriers, and white Boxers.

White cats are also predisposed to congenital deafness.

Some pets become deaf or have impaired hearing due to old age or illness.

Breeds such as Border Collies or Cavalier King Charles Spaniels may be affected by early adult–onset deafness which occurs at a younger age than age-related hearing loss.


What are the signs of deafness?

The most common signs of deafness include:

  • Lack of recall
  • Deep sleep
  • Not responding to auditory stimuli such as the doorbell, vacuum
  • Shaking or tilting their head
  • Discharge/unpleasant odour from ear.
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How is hearing loss diagnosed?

The BAER screening tests can be carried out from around six weeks of age and upwards.

Young puppies are never sedated, older puppies, adult dogs and cats can be tested usually fully conscious (depending on their temperament).

A neurological examination is not required when evaluating your pet’s hearing. However, referral from a Primary Care Vet is required.


What treatments are available?

The BAER hearing test can confirm and quantify the degree of hearing loss. It can help owners to adapt and adjust the interaction with their pet and the pet’s quality of life.

If the hearing loss is due to a middle ear disease such as an otitis or Primary Secretory Otitis Media (PSOM) treatment may be available to treat the underlying cause of the deafness but in other cases the deafness will be permanent.

Documentation is included as part of the service e.g. an individual report that is checked and signed by a neurologist.

There is a stress-free, comfortable and hygienic set up which includes a playpen for puppies and bedding.

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Find out more

To assist owners in understanding more about Neurological conditions, investigations and treatment we have put together a range of information sheets to talk you through the some of the more common neurological conditions seen by our Specialists.