What is Endoscopy?
Endoscopy involves the use of an endoscope (a small camera mounted on a thin probe) to look inside organs which could otherwise be very difficult to inspect.
A rigid endoscope is one which cannot be bent to go around corners, unlike a flexible endoscope to inspect the inside of the digestive tract (stomach and intestines).
Rigid endoscopy is an extremely useful diagnostic, and in some cases therapeutic, tool in soft tissue, internal medicine and orthopaedic (arthroscopy) case management.
Willows has an extensive range of state-of-the-art endoscopic equipment that significantly enhances our diagnostic and treatment options for the patients in our care.
What Rigid Endoscopy Procedures are used at Willows?
Rhinoscopy: Rigid Rhinoscopy is a diagnostic tool in the investigation of dogs and cats with nasal disease. Conditions such as neoplasia (cancer) of the nasal cavity, fungal rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity), nasal foreign body and lymphocytic-plasmacytic rhinitis (‘allergic’ nasal disease) all benefit from this diagnostic technique which works alongside the top quality CT scanning facilities at Willows.
Cystoscopy: Cystoscopy is the examination of the inside of the bladder and, in females, the entire urethra. This is very useful tool for investigation of the urogenital tract (the urinary and reproductive systems) in dogs. It is commonly used in the diagnosis of anatomical abnormalities that can contribute to urinary incontinence. At Willows we also have the capability to perform collagen injections that can be used as a minimally invasive treatment option in some cases of incontinence.
Laparoscopy: Endoscopic examination of the abdominal cavity (‘tummy’), either for diagnostic or treatment purposes. Procedures that are suitable for laparoscopy include; neutering, retained tactical removal, biopsy procedures, abdominal exploration, gastopexy and cystostomy.
Advantages of laparoscopy over conventional surgery include:
- Reduced pain from the surgical wounds, the pet is more comfortable post-surgery
- Two or three smaller surgical wounds
- Fewer stitches
- A faster return to normal activity, due to improved patient comfort and reduced scar tissue formation.
Thoracoscopy: Thoracoscopy is the examination of the inside of the chest using an endoscope.
Rigid endoscope techniques can also be applied to some patients requiring thoracic surgery (surgery on the chest cavity). Not all patients are suitable for an endoscopic procedure and therefore the specific needs of a pet will be discussed with in detail with the Specialist.
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Soft Tissue Surgery
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To assist owners in understanding more about Soft Tissue Surgery we have put together a range of information sheets to talk you through the some of the more common soft tissue conditions seen and treated by our Specialists.